
AIT-SHC-1-KIT4 Brand Image

Mobil phase starter, kit

Mobil phase starter, kit with 4 SHC-1

AIT-SHC-1-KIT4 (1 unit)


AIT-SHC-2-KIT4 Brand Image

Mobil phase starter, kit

Mobil phase starter, kit with 4 SHC-2

AIT-SHC-2-KIT4 (1 unit)


AIT-SHC-3-KIT4 Brand Image

Mobil phase starter, kit

Mobil phase starter, kit with 4 SHC-3

AIT-SHC-3-KIT4 (1 unit)


AIT-AD-2T-GL45 Brand Image

SmartHealthyCaps Adapter

SmartHealthyCaps Adapter double head to join 2 SmartHealthyCaps GL45 to a vial G...

AIT-AD-2T-GL45 (1 unit)


AIT-FC-50-10 Brand Image

Kit of 10 charcoal cartri

Kit of 10 charcoal cartridge filter 50 gr (service life: 6 months)

AIT-FC-50-10 (per 10)


AIT-FC-100-KOH Brand Image

Charcoal cartridge filter

Charcoal cartridge filter (exhaust filter) 100 gr loaded with KOH for acid vapo...

AIT-FC-100-KOH (1 unit)


AIT-SW45-2-C-2L Brand Image

SmartWasteCap GL45 with

SmartWasteCap GL45 with 1 charcoal cartridge filter emplacment + 2 entries (1/8...

AIT-SW45-2-C-2L (1 unit)


AIT-VP-LEAK Brand Image

PLUG for leak emplacement

PLUG for leak emplacement

AIT-VP-LEAK (per 5)


AIT-FC-50-C-T/2 Brand Image

Pack of 2 50g charcoal fi

Pack of 2 50g charcoal filters + antisplash and timer

AIT-FC-50-C-T/2 (per 2)


AIT-FC-100-C-T/2 Brand Image

Pack of 2 100g charcoal f

Pack of 2 100g charcoal filters + antisplash and timer

AIT-FC-100-C-T/2 (per 2)


AIT-KIT-SW60-30L Brand Image

Waste Solvant Starter Kit

Waste Solvant Starter Kit for S60; 1 SW60-2-C-1L + 1 FC-100 + 30L Can

AIT-KIT-SW60-30L (1 kit)


AIT-KIT-SW60-60L Brand Image

Waste Solvant Starter Kit

Waste Solvant Starter Kit for S60; 1 SW60-2-C-1L + 1 FC-100 + 60L Can

AIT-KIT-SW60-60L (1 kit)


AIT-AD-S40-45-P Brand Image

Thread adapter S40 to GL4

Thread adapter S40 to GL45 (PP)

AIT-AD-S40-45-P (1 unit)


AIT-SWB83-3B Brand Image

Nalgene B83 Cap with 3 po

Nalgene B83 Cap with 3 ports and fittings for 3/16” OD tubing

AIT-SWB83-3B (1 unit)


AIT-SWB83-3B-MED Brand Image

Nalgene B83 Cap with 3 po

Nalgene B83 Cap with 3 ports and fittings for 3/16” OD tubing - Medical grade PT...

AIT-SWB83-3B-MED (1 unit)


Viewing all 15 results