Swissci LCP EACH

Product information




Details: The product comprises a base plate with low tack 700 micron thickness slide and top-sealing tape of 100 microns - a brown ready to remove cover sheet and separate 200 micron UVP cover film with protective dust cover. The kit is completed with a Swissci plate leveling device. Pack of 20 plates.



  • Ready-to-use - plate fits laboratory robotics and uses a unique polymer to ensure UV visualization is not compromised by polarization.
  • Easy sealing with dry tabbed adhesive tape exposure and thin UVP cover film. A plate leveling device ensures the cover is perfectly adhered to the bottom LCP plate.
  • No cross-contamination and SBS standard.
    Unique low tack adhesive allows the sandwich plate to be removed from the base e.g. for in-situ X-ray data collection and structure determination.


Additional details



Manufacturer Part Number



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